previously Vue Storefront Build Better Storefronts


The usePagination allows you to add logic to your pagination UI. With this function, you can add methods for moving to the next/previous page or to the exact page by passing its number. To calculate how many pages are needed to be displayed the only required parameter is the total number of items. There can be also passed additional parameters to adjust pagination according to your needs.

Under the hood, usePagination uses jw-paginate. To learn more about this specific implementation visit the jw-paginate docs.


<script lang="ts" setup>
import { usePagination, SfIconChevronRight, SfIconChevronLeft, SfButton } from '@storefront-ui/vue';

const { totalPages, pages, selectedPage, startPage, endPage, next, prev, setPage, maxVisiblePages } = usePagination({
  totalItems: 150

<nav class="flex justify-between border-t border-neutral-200" role="navigation" aria-label="pagination">
    {{ totalPages }}
      aria-label="Go to previous page"
      :disabled="selectedPage <= 1"
      <template #prefix>
        <SfIconChevronLeft />
    <ul class="flex justify-center">
      <li v-if="!pages.find((page) => page === 1)">
            'flex pt-1 border-t-4 border-transparent',
            { 'font-medium border-t-4 !border-primary-500': selectedPage === 1 },
            class="px-4 py-3 rounded-md text-neutral-500 hover:bg-primary-100 hover:text-primary-800 active:bg-primary-200 active:text-primary-900"
            :aria-current="selectedPage === 1"
      <li v-if="startPage > 2">
        <div class="flex pt-1 border-t-4 border-transparent">
          <button type="button" disabled aria-hidden="true" class="px-4 py-3 rounded-md text-neutral-500">...</button>
      <li v-if="maxVisiblePages === 1 && selectedPage === totalPages">
        <div class="flex pt-1 border-t-4 border-transparent">
            class="px-4 py-3 rounded-md text-neutral-500 hover:bg-primary-100 hover:text-primary-800 active:bg-primary-200 active:text-primary-900"
            :aria-current="endPage - 1 === selectedPage"
            @click="setPage(endPage - 1)"
            {{ endPage - 1 }}
      <li v-for="page in pages" :key="`page-${page}`">
            'flex pt-1 border-t-4 border-transparent ',
            { 'font-medium border-t-4 !border-primary-500': selectedPage === page },
              ' px-4 py-3 text-neutral-500 rounded-md hover:bg-primary-100 hover:text-primary-800 active:bg-primary-200 active:text-primary-900 ',
              { '!text-neutral-900 hover:!text-primary-800 active:!text-primary-900': selectedPage === page },
            :aria-label="`Page ${page} of ${totalPages}`"
            :aria-current="selectedPage === page"
            {{ page }}
      <li v-if="maxVisiblePages === 1 && selectedPage === 1">
        <div class="flex pt-1 border-t-4 border-transparent">
            class="px-4 py-3 rounded-md text-neutral-500 hover:bg-primary-100 hover:text-primary-800 active:bg-primary-200 active:text-primary-900"
            :aria-label="`Page 2 of ${totalPages}`"
      <li v-if="endPage < totalPages - 1">
        <div class="flex pt-1 border-t-4 border-transparent">
          <button type="button" disabled aria-hidden="true" class="px-4 py-3 rounded-md text-neutral-500">...</button>
      <li v-if="!pages.find((page) => page === totalPages)">
            'flex pt-1 border-t-4 border-transparent ',
            { 'font-medium border-t-4 !border-primary-500': selectedPage === totalPages },
            class="px-4 py-3 rounded-md text-neutral-500 hover:bg-primary-100 hover:text-primary-800 active:bg-primary-200 active:text-primary-900"
            :aria-current="totalPages === selectedPage"
            {{ totalPages }}
      aria-label="Go to next page"
      :disabled="selectedPage >= totalPages"
      <template #suffix>
        <SfIconChevronRight />