Product filters are a valuable tool for online shoppers to quickly and easily find the products they are looking for on e-commerce websites.
Color filters are a type of product filter that allow online shoppers to narrow down their search results based on the color or colors of the products they are interested in.
<SfAccordionItem v-model="open" class="w-full md:max-w-[376px]">
<template #summary>
<div class="flex justify-between p-2 mb-2">
<p class="font-medium">Color</p>
<SfIconChevronLeft :class="['text-neutral-500', open ? 'rotate-90' : '-rotate-90']" />
v-for="({ label, value, counter }, index) in colorValues"
class="px-1.5 bg-transparent hover:bg-transparent"
<template #prefix>
<input v-model="selectedValues" :value="value" class="appearance-none peer" type="checkbox" />
class="inline-flex items-center justify-center p-1 transition duration-300 rounded-full cursor-pointer ring-1 ring-neutral-200 ring-inset outline-offset-2 outline-secondary-600 peer-checked:ring-2 peer-checked:ring-primary-700 peer-hover:bg-primary-100 peer-[&:not(:checked):hover]:ring-primary-200 peer-active:bg-primary-200 peer-active:ring-primary-300 peer-disabled:cursor-not-allowed peer-disabled:bg-disabled-100 peer-disabled:opacity-50 peer-disabled:ring-1 peer-disabled:ring-disabled-200 peer-disabled:hover:ring-disabled-200 peer-checked:hover:ring-primary-700 peer-checked:active:ring-primary-700 peer-focus:outline"
<SfThumbnail size="sm" :class="value" />
<span class="mr-2 typography-text-sm">{{ label }}</span>
<SfCounter size="sm">{{ counter }}</SfCounter>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { SfAccordionItem, SfCounter, SfListItem, SfThumbnail, SfIconChevronLeft } from '@storefront-ui/vue';
const colorValues = ref([
id: 'c1',
label: 'Primary',
value: 'bg-primary-500',
counter: 10,
id: 'c2',
label: 'Black and gray',
value: 'bg-[linear-gradient(-45deg,#000_50%,#d1d5db_50%)]',
counter: 5,
id: 'c3',
label: 'Violet',
value: 'bg-violet-500',
counter: 0,
id: 'c4',
label: 'Red',
value: 'bg-red-500',
counter: 2,
id: 'c5',
label: 'Yellow',
value: 'bg-yellow-500',
counter: 100,
id: 'c6',
label: 'Avocado',
value: 'bg-gradient-to-tr from-yellow-300 to-primary-500',
counter: 14,
const open = ref(true);
const selectedValues = ref<string[]>([]);
const isItemActive = (val: string) => {
return selectedValues.value?.includes(val);
Sizes in category pages are a feature that allows online shoppers to filter their search results based on specific sizes of products they are interested in.
<SfAccordionItem v-model="open" class="w-full md:max-w-[376px]">
<template #summary>
<div class="flex justify-between p-2 mb-2">
<p class="font-medium">Size</p>
<SfIconChevronLeft :class="['text-neutral-500', open ? 'rotate-90' : '-rotate-90']" />
<ul class="grid grid-cols-5 gap-2">
<li v-for="({ label, value, isAvailable }, index) in chipSizes" :key="index">
<SfChip v-model="selectedSizes" class="w-full" size="sm" :input-props="{ value, disabled: !isAvailable }">
{{ label }}
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { SfChip, SfAccordionItem, SfIconChevronLeft } from '@storefront-ui/vue';
const open = ref(true);
const selectedSizes = ref([]);
const chipSizes = ref([
{ id: 's1', label: '6', value: '6', isAvailable: true },
{ id: 's2', label: '6.5', value: '6.5', isAvailable: true },
{ id: 's3', label: '7', value: '7.5', isAvailable: true },
{ id: 's4', label: '8', value: '8', isAvailable: false },
{ id: 's5', label: '8.5', value: '8.5', isAvailable: false },
{ id: 's6', label: '9', value: '9', isAvailable: true },
{ id: 's7', label: '9.5', value: '9.5', isAvailable: true },
{ id: 's8', label: '10', value: '10', isAvailable: false },
{ id: 's9', label: '10.5', value: '10.5', isAvailable: true },
{ id: 's10', label: '11', value: '11', isAvailable: true },
{ id: 's11', label: '11.5', value: '11.5', isAvailable: true },
{ id: 's12', label: '12', value: '12', isAvailable: true },
Brand in category pages are a feature that allows online shoppers to filter their search results based on specific brands of products they are interested in.
<SfAccordionItem v-model="open" class="w-full md:max-w-[376px]">
<template #summary>
<div class="flex justify-between p-2 mb-2">
<p class="font-medium">Brand</p>
<SfIconChevronLeft :class="['text-neutral-500', open ? 'rotate-90' : '-rotate-90']" />
v-for="{ id, value, label, counter } in details"
:disabled="counter === 0"
:class="['px-1.5 bg-transparent hover:bg-transparent', { 'font-medium': isItemActive(value) }]"
<template #prefix>
<SfCheckbox v-model="selectedFilters" class="flex items-center" :disabled="counter === 0" :value="value" />
<span class="mr-2 text-sm">{{ label }}</span>
<SfCounter size="sm">{{ counter }}</SfCounter>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { SfAccordionItem, SfCheckbox, SfCounter, SfIconChevronLeft, SfListItem } from '@storefront-ui/vue';
const open = ref(true);
const selectedFilters = ref<string[]>([]);
const isItemActive = (selectedValue: string) => {
return selectedFilters.value?.includes(selectedValue);
const details = ref([
{ id: 'b1', label: 'Conroy', value: 'conroy', counter: 10 },
{ id: 'b2', label: 'Goyette', value: 'goyette', counter: 100 },
{ id: 'b3', label: 'Ledner & Ward', value: 'lednerward', counter: 0 },
{ id: 'b4', label: 'Pacocha', value: 'pacocha', counter: 3 },
Price in category pages are a feature that allows online shoppers to filter their search results based on price range of products they are interested in.
<SfAccordionItem v-model="open" class="w-full md:max-w-[376px]">
<template #summary>
<div class="flex justify-between p-2 mb-2">
<p class="font-medium">Price</p>
<SfIconChevronLeft :class="['text-neutral-500', open ? 'rotate-90' : '-rotate-90']" />
<fieldset id="radio-price">
v-for="{ id, value, label, counter } in details"
class="px-1.5 bg-transparent hover:bg-transparent"
<template #prefix>
class="flex items-center"
@click="priceModel = priceModel === value ? '' : value"
<span :class="['text-sm mr-2', { 'font-medium': priceModel === value }]">{{ label }}</span>
<SfCounter size="sm">{{ counter }}</SfCounter>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { SfAccordionItem, SfCounter, SfIconChevronLeft, SfListItem, SfRadio } from '@storefront-ui/vue';
const open = ref(true);
const priceModel = ref('');
const details = [
{ id: 'pr1', label: 'Under $24.99', value: 'under', counter: 123 },
{ id: 'pr2', label: '$25.00 - $49.99', value: '25-49', counter: 100 },
{ id: 'pr3', label: '$50.00 - $99.99', value: '50-99', counter: 12 },
{ id: 'pr4', label: '$100.00 - $199.99', value: '100-199', counter: 3 },
{ id: 'pr5', label: '$200.00 and above', value: 'above', counter: 18 },
Sorting in category pages is a feature that allows online shoppers to arrange and view products on an e-commerce website based on a specific order or criteria.
<div class="w-full md:max-w-[376px]">
<h6 class="bg-neutral-100 mb-4 px-4 py-2 rounded uppercase typography-headline-6 font-bold tracking-widest">
Sort by
<div class="px-4">
<SfSelect v-model="selected" aria-label="Sort by">
<option v-for="{ value, label } in options" :key="value" :value="value">
{{ label }}
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { SfSelect } from '@storefront-ui/vue';
const options = ref([
{ label: 'Relevance', value: 'relevance' },
{ label: 'Price: Low to High', value: 'price low to high' },
{ label: 'Price: High to Low', value: 'price high to low' },
{ label: 'New Arrivals', value: 'new arrivals' },
{ label: 'Customer Rating', value: 'customer rating' },
{ label: 'Bestsellers', value: 'bestsellers' },
const selected = ref(options.value[0].value);
Category list allows users to browse and select categories of content or products. Clicking on category will navigate the user to the another page with different available subcategories. Currently selected category is marked with green highlight and check icon. The following example is build only for presentation - actual functionality must be implemented by the user.
<SfAccordionItem v-model="open" class="w-full md:max-w-[376px]">
<template #summary>
<div class="flex justify-between p-2 mb-2">
<p class="font-medium">Category</p>
<SfIconChevronLeft :class="open ? 'rotate-90' : '-rotate-90'" />
<ul class="mt-2 mb-6">
<SfListItem size="sm" tag="button" type="button">
<div class="flex items-center">
<SfIconArrowBack size="sm" class="text-neutral-500 mr-3" />Back to {{ categories[0].label }}
<li v-for="(category, index) in categories" :key="category.key">
'first-of-type:mt-2 rounded-md active:bg-primary-100',
{ 'bg-primary-100 hover:bg-primary-100 active:bg-primary-100 font-medium': index === 0 },
<template #suffix>
<SfIconCheck v-if="index === 0" size="sm" class="text-primary-700" />
<span class="flex items-center">
{{ category.label }}
<SfCounter class="ml-2 typography-text-sm font-normal">{{ category.counter }}</SfCounter>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import {
} from '@storefront-ui/vue';
const categories = ref([
key: 'CLOTHING',
label: 'Clothing',
counter: 30,
link: '#',
key: 'SHOES',
label: 'Shoes',
counter: 28,
link: '#',
label: 'Accessories',
counter: 56,
link: '#',
label: 'Wearables',
counter: 12,
link: '#',
label: 'Food & Drinks',
counter: 52,
link: '#',
const open = ref(true);
Ratings allows users to filter out specific ratings of products in category. Only one at the time can be selected.
<SfAccordionItem v-model="isOpen" class="w-full md:max-w-[376px]">
<template #summary>
<div class="flex justify-between p-2 mb-2">
<p class="font-medium">Rating</p>
<SfIconChevronLeft :class="['text-neutral-500', isOpen ? 'rotate-90' : '-rotate-90']" />
<fieldset id="radio-rating">
v-for="{ id, value, label, counter } in ratingsValues"
class="!items-center py-4 md:py-1 px-1.5 bg-transparent hover:bg-transparent"
<template #prefix>
class="flex items-center"
:checked="ratingsModel === value"
@click="ratingsModel = ratingsModel === value ? '' : value"
<!-- TODO: Adjust the styling and remove block elements when/if span wrapper removed from ListItem -->
<div class="flex flex-wrap items-center">
<SfRating class="-mt-px" :value="Number(value)" :max="5" size="sm" />
<span :class="['mx-2 text-base md:text-sm', { 'font-medium': ratingsModel === value }]">{{ label }}</span>
<SfCounter size="sm">{{ counter }}</SfCounter>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import {
} from '@storefront-ui/vue';
const { isOpen } = useDisclosure({ initialValue: true });
const ratingsModel = ref('');
const ratingsValues = ref([
{ id: 'r1', label: '5', value: '5', counter: 10 },
{ id: 'r2', label: '4 & up', value: '4', counter: 123 },
{ id: 'r3', label: '3 & up', value: '3', counter: 12 },
{ id: 'r4', label: '2 & up', value: '2', counter: 3 },
{ id: 'r5', label: '1 & up', value: '1', counter: 13 },
Filters Sidepanel
Filters panel can be customized to suit the specific needs of different applications or user groups. It may offer simple or advanced filtering options.
<aside class="w-full md:max-w-[376px]">
<div class="flex justify-between mb-4">
<h4 class="px-2 font-bold typography-headline-4">List settings</h4>
<button type="button" class="sm:hidden text-neutral-500" aria-label="Close filters panel">
<SfIconClose />
class="py-2 px-4 mb-6 bg-neutral-100 typography-headline-6 font-bold text-neutral-900 uppercase tracking-widest md:rounded-md"
Sort by
<div class="px-2">
<SfSelect v-model="sortModel" aria-label="Sort by">
<option v-for="{ id, label, value } in sortOptions" :key="id" :value="value">{{ label }}</option>
class="py-2 px-4 mt-6 mb-4 bg-neutral-100 typography-headline-6 font-bold text-neutral-900 uppercase tracking-widest md:rounded-md"
<!-- prettier-ignore-attribute -->
<li v-for="{ id: filterDataId, type, summary, details }, index in filtersData" :key="filterDataId">
<SfAccordionItem v-model="opened[index]">
<template #summary>
<div class="flex justify-between p-2 mb-2">
<p class="p-2 font-medium typography-headline-5">{{ summary }}</p>
<SfIconChevronLeft :class="opened[index] ? 'rotate-90' : '-rotate-90'" />
<ul v-if="type === 'size'" class="grid grid-cols-5 gap-2">
<li v-for="{ id, value, counter, label } in details" :key="id">
<SfChip v-model="selectedFilters" class="w-full" size="sm" :input-props="{ value, disabled: !counter }">
{{ label }}
<template v-if="type === 'category'">
<ul class="mt-2 mb-6">
<SfListItem size="sm" tag="button" type="button">
<div class="flex items-center">
<SfIconArrowBack size="sm" class="text-neutral-500 mr-3" />
Back to {{ details[0].label }}
<li v-for="({ id, link, label, counter }, categoryIndex) in details" :key="id">
'first-of-type:mt-2 rounded-md active:bg-primary-100',
{ 'bg-primary-100 hover:bg-primary-100 active:bg-primary-100 font-medium': categoryIndex === 0 },
<template #suffix>
<SfIconCheck v-if="categoryIndex === 0" size="xs" class="text-primary-700" />
<span class="flex items-center">
{{ label }}
<SfCounter class="ml-2 typography-text-sm">{{ counter }}</SfCounter>
<template v-if="type === 'color'">
v-for="{ id, value, label, counter } in details"
:class="['px-1.5 bg-transparent hover:bg-transparent', { 'font-medium': isItemActive(value) }]"
<template #prefix>
<input v-model="selectedFilters" :value="value" class="appearance-none peer" type="checkbox" />
class="inline-flex items-center justify-center p-1 transition duration-300 rounded-full cursor-pointer ring-1 ring-neutral-200 ring-inset outline-offset-2 outline-secondary-600 peer-checked:ring-2 peer-checked:ring-primary-700 peer-hover:bg-primary-100 peer-[&:not(:checked):hover]:ring-primary-200 peer-active:bg-primary-200 peer-active:ring-primary-300 peer-disabled:cursor-not-allowed peer-disabled:bg-disabled-100 peer-disabled:opacity-50 peer-disabled:ring-1 peer-disabled:ring-disabled-200 peer-disabled:hover:ring-disabled-200 peer-checked:hover:ring-primary-700 peer-checked:active:ring-primary-700 peer-focus-visible:outline"
><SfThumbnail size="sm" :class="value"
<span class="mr-2 typography-text-sm">{{ label }}</span>
<SfCounter size="sm">{{ counter }}</SfCounter>
<template v-if="type === 'checkbox'">
v-for="{ id, value, label, counter } in details"
:disabled="counter === 0"
:class="['px-1.5 bg-transparent hover:bg-transparent', { 'font-medium': isItemActive(value) }]"
<template #prefix>
class="flex items-center"
:disabled="counter === 0"
<span class="mr-2 text-sm">{{ label }}</span>
<SfCounter size="sm">{{ counter }}</SfCounter>
<template v-if="type === 'radio'">
<fieldset id="radio-price">
v-for="{ id, value, label, counter } in details"
class="px-1.5 bg-transparent hover:bg-transparent"
<template #prefix>
class="flex items-center"
@click="priceModel = priceModel === value ? '' : value"
<span :class="['text-sm mr-2', { 'font-medium': priceModel === value }]">{{ label }}</span>
<SfCounter size="sm">{{ counter }}</SfCounter>
<template v-if="type === 'rating'">
<fieldset id="radio-ratings">
v-for="{ id, value, label, counter } in details"
class="!items-center py-4 md:py-1 px-1.5 bg-transparent hover:bg-transparent"
<template #prefix>
class="flex items-end"
@click="ratingsModel = ratingsModel === value ? '' : value"
<!-- TODO: Adjust the styling and remove block elements when/if span wrapper removed from ListItem -->
<div class="flex flex-wrap items-center">
<SfRating class="-mt-px" :value="Number(value)" :max="5" size="sm" />
<span :class="['mx-2 text-base md:text-sm', { 'font-medium': ratingsModel === value }]">{{
<SfCounter size="sm">{{ counter }}</SfCounter>
<hr class="my-4" />
<div class="flex justify-between">
<SfButton variant="secondary" class="w-full mr-3" @click="handleClearFilters()"> Clear all filters </SfButton>
<SfButton class="w-full">Show products</SfButton>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import {
} from '@storefront-ui/vue';
type FilterDetail = {
id: string;
label: string;
value: string;
counter?: number;
link?: string;
type Node = {
id: string;
summary: string;
type: string;
details: FilterDetail[];
const filtersData = ref<Node[]>([
id: 'acc1',
summary: 'Size',
type: 'size',
details: [
{ id: 's1', label: '6', value: '6', counter: 10 },
{ id: 's2', label: '6.5', value: '6.5', counter: 10 },
{ id: 's3', label: '7', value: '7.5', counter: 30 },
{ id: 's4', label: '8', value: '8', counter: 0 },
{ id: 's5', label: '8.5', value: '8.5', counter: 3 },
{ id: 's6', label: '9', value: '9', counter: 7 },
{ id: 's7', label: '9.5', value: '9.5', counter: 9 },
{ id: 's8', label: '10', value: '10', counter: 11 },
{ id: 's9', label: '10.5', value: '10.5', counter: 12 },
{ id: 's10', label: '11', value: '11', counter: 0 },
{ id: 's11', label: '11.5', value: '11.5', counter: 4 },
{ id: 's12', label: '12', value: '12', counter: 1 },
id: 'acc2',
summary: 'Category',
type: 'category',
details: [
label: 'Clothing',
value: 'clothing',
counter: 30,
link: '#',
id: 'SHOES',
label: 'Shoes',
value: 'shoes',
counter: 28,
link: '#',
label: 'Accessories',
value: 'accessories',
counter: 56,
link: '#',
label: 'Wearables',
value: 'wearables',
counter: 12,
link: '#',
label: 'Food & Drinks',
value: 'food and drinks',
counter: 52,
link: '#',
id: 'acc3',
summary: 'Color',
type: 'color',
details: [
id: 'c1',
label: 'Primary',
value: 'bg-primary-500',
counter: 10,
id: 'c2',
label: 'Black and gray',
value: 'bg-[linear-gradient(-45deg,#000_50%,#d1d5db_50%)]',
counter: 5,
id: 'c3',
label: 'Violet',
value: 'bg-violet-500',
counter: 0,
id: 'c4',
label: 'Red',
value: 'bg-red-500',
counter: 2,
id: 'c5',
label: 'Yellow',
value: 'bg-yellow-500',
counter: 100,
id: 'c6',
label: 'Avocado',
value: 'bg-gradient-to-tr from-yellow-300 to-primary-500',
counter: 14,
id: 'acc4',
summary: 'Brand',
type: 'checkbox',
details: [
{ id: 'b1', label: 'Conroy', value: 'conroy', counter: 10 },
{ id: 'b2', label: 'Goyette', value: 'goyette', counter: 100 },
{ id: 'b3', label: 'Ledner & Ward', value: 'lednerward', counter: 0 },
{ id: 'b4', label: 'Pacocha', value: 'pacocha', counter: 3 },
id: 'acc5',
summary: 'Price',
type: 'radio',
details: [
{ id: 'pr1', label: 'Under $24.99', value: 'under', counter: 123 },
{ id: 'pr2', label: '$25.00 - $49.99', value: '25-49', counter: 100 },
{ id: 'pr3', label: '$50.00 - $99.99', value: '50-99', counter: 12 },
{ id: 'pr4', label: '$100.00 - $199.99', value: '100-199', counter: 3 },
{ id: 'pr5', label: '$200.00 and above', value: 'above', counter: 18 },
id: 'acc6',
summary: 'Rating',
type: 'rating',
details: [
{ id: 'r1', label: '5', value: '5', counter: 10 },
{ id: 'r2', label: '4 & up', value: '4', counter: 123 },
{ id: 'r3', label: '3 & up', value: '3', counter: 12 },
{ id: 'r4', label: '2 & up', value: '2', counter: 3 },
{ id: 'r5', label: '1 & up', value: '1', counter: 13 },
const sortOptions = ref([
{ id: 'sort1', label: 'Relevance', value: 'relevance' },
{ id: 'sort2', label: 'Price: Low to High', value: 'price low to high' },
{ id: 'sort3', label: 'Price: High to Low', value: 'price high to low' },
{ id: 'sort4', label: 'New Arrivals', value: 'new arrivals' },
{ id: 'sort5', label: 'Customer Rating', value: 'customer rating' },
{ id: 'sort6', label: 'Bestsellers', value: 'bestsellers' },
const selectedFilters = ref<string[]>([]);
const opened = ref<boolean[]>( => true));
const priceModel = ref('');
const ratingsModel = ref('');
const sortModel = ref();
const isItemActive = (selectedValue: string) => {
return selectedFilters.value?.includes(selectedValue);
const handleClearFilters = () => {
selectedFilters.value = [];
priceModel.value = '';
ratingsModel.value = '';